ROOT Version v5-30-00 Patch Release Notes
A new production version ROOT v5-30-06 has been released January 10, 2012.
The AFS version of v5-30-06 for many different platforms and compilers can be found at:
The complete source tree for all systems (39 MB) is available here:
Alternatively get the source from Git using:
git clone root-v5-30; cd root-v5-30; git checkout -b v5-30-06
After obtaining the source read the file README/INSTALL (broken) (in short just do: cd root; ./configure; make).
To get the source of the head of the v5-30-00-patches branch do:
git clone -b v5-30-00-patches root-v5-30
Changes in the head of the v5-30-00-patches branch
- Cint
- Core
- Import patch #42757 fixing memory leak due to multiple allocations of gLibraryVersion.
- Add missing implementation for TGenericClassInfo::GetDirectoryAutoAdd.
- IO
- TTree
- Make sure that in the tertiary operator implementation we always load the branch that are needed (even in the case cond ? y : -y where cond is false). This fixes #90826.
- Proof
- Reorder pq2 libraries for Ubuntu 11.10 (r42660).
- Import patch #42578 fixing in getProof.C some issues mostly related to PROOF-Lite.
- Import class to analyse the performance tree (see description) (broken)
- Adapt patch #42671 fixing a problem with TProof::Load reported in the PROOF forum, caused by the fact that the additional files were not copied in the master sandbox but left in the cache.
- Import patch #41745 fixing TFileCollection::Merge.
- Import patch #42904 in TProofOutputFile changing the default mode for merging histograms in TFileMerger, to reduce the memory footprint.
- Import patch #42921 to add also to TXUnixSocket the possibility to disable reconnections via the variable TXSocket.Reconnect (0 disable reconnections; default is 1) .
- Import patch #43245 fixing an issue with forcing local copies of files before merging (bit not always honored).
- Import patch #44048 removing the automatic creation of TDrawFeedback by TProofChain.
- Graf3D
- Import rev 42084 from trunk: Fix crash on exit when stamped element map is not empty.
- Patch for #91505: allow null-characters in strings passed through the binding.
Changes in version v5-30-06 (January 10, 2012)
- TTree
- Resolve #89645 which could lead to segmentation fault when writing a sparse branch (in a large TTree) with a very long branch name.
- Proof
- Geometry
- Port patch #40117 that fixes an issue with usage of reflection matrices in assemblies and affected the GEANT4 interface.
Changes in version v5-30-05 (November 24, 2011)
- Proof
- Build System
- Enable configuration of internal CINT array sizes (r42194 r42211, #88752).
Changes in version v5-30-04 (November 8, 2011)
- TTree
- Fix hadd when merger TFiles with more than one key for a TTree when doing a slow TTree merge. This fixes #88224
- Fix the asynchronous prefetcher in case of TChain
- Xrootd
- Add support for building with external xrootd 3.1.0 or newer.
- Backport of bug #87880.
- Core
- Textinput: display the prompt when calling Getline() (r41662).
- Proof
- Import patches #41785 and #41786 fixing an issue with packetizers preventing proper entry range processing and the file ordering in datasets.
- Import patch #41788 fixing an issue with AddInputData when objects are TTree or derived.
- Import patch #41801 fixing an issue in the packetizers potentially crashing PROOF-Lite at exit when using file-resident outputs.
Changes in version v5-30-03 (October 20, 2011)
- Core
- Textinput: fix cursor move to next line for non-Windows (r41042).
- TTree
- In TTree::GetLeaf (and thus indirectly in TTree::Scan, TTree::Draw), properly handle the case where the branch name has a slash in its name (but the leaf does not). This fixes #86946
- Fix an issue leading to reading too many elements of a split collection when one the data member needs to be cached for an i/o customization rule.
- Graf2D
- Backport fix to be compatible with libpng 1.5.
- Net
- Critical bug fix "return string->GetString()" and some optimization for TGridJDL.
- Proof
- Import patches #41313, #41336, #41355, #41378 and #41383 fixing unprivileged multi-user support and access control.
- Import patches #41393 and #41399 fixing possible issues with PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH settings for proofserv.
- Import patches #40576, #40699, #40744 and #40758 with the improvements in PROOF monitoring.
- Import patch #41493, #41526 and #41530 fixing return codes on TProof::EnablePackage(...) failures.
Changes in version v5-30-02 (September 22, 2011)
- Core
- Proof
- Import patch #40659 fixing a possible seg violation when exiting ROOT.
- Import patch #40660 restoring operability of the dynamic startup (broken by patch 36553).
- Import patch #40115 with a few fixes in proofbench, including the possibility to run from any directory.
- Import patches #40912 and #40923 adding the possibility to skip the checks for the data directories during session startup, as they may significantly slowdown the startup process is the medium is busy.
- I/O
- Update the customization rule parser to allow rule for unsigned int data members.
- Fix the handling of emulated class containing variable size array of objects.
- Update MakeProject to properly handle classes containing variable size array of objects.
- Prevents a memory leak in the handling of associative containers stored in a TTree, fixes issue #85910
- RooStats
- Fix a bug in the computation the one-side Profile Likelihood test statistics (bug #86013) which was introduced in 5.30.01 when using the RooMinimizer for the computation of the test statistic. Fix also the case when no nuisance parameters are present.
- Fix in ModelConfig the re-definition of parameter sets.
- Speedup computation of p-values (Integral) in SamplingDistribution by caching the empirical cdf.
- Fix the rest of the pdf components cache in ToyMCSampler when setting a new pdf
- Fix some minor issues in plotting SamplingDistribution's obtained from the HypoTestInverter
- Hist
- Fix a bug in the TEfficiency destructor (see this post on Root Forum)
- FitPanel
- Fix a bug in using an already existing fit function (bug #86251)
- HIstFactory
- Fix for bug #85481.
Changes in version v5-30-01 (August 18, 2011)
- Build System
- Reorder lzma.h search in ./configure, fixes issue #83938.
- CMake fixes (r40282, r40283).
- On OSX check in ./configure if a library is compatible with the architecture.
- Core
- Textinput: fix handling of keyboard modifiers (r40118).
- Import patch #40272 adding Hash(), IsSortable() and CompareTo() so that TParameter can be used in hash and/or sorted lists (e.g. gDirectory).
- Properly support tilde (~) in TSystem::ExpandPathName() even when they are not the first character
- Make sure we write at the end of the file in which we redirect stdout/stderr (avoid overwriting)
- Import patch #40534 to silence spurious warnings when removing objects from TObjectTable.
- Allow home directory to be specified via HOME shell var in case there is no correct passwd file entry, fixes issue 83268
- Repair the handling of failing to load a shared library #85226.
- I/O
- Re-active the command line option -O and -T in hadd
- Repair the merging of a single file in hadd (was not copying the TTree data.)
- Add missing dictionary for ROOT::ECompressionAlgorithm
- Fix a crash at the end of the process when a broken ROOT File (zombie) has been opened (fixes #84035.)
- TTree
- Import fix #40077 to prevent the use of non-existent memory when reading in an object that is part of an STL collection and which used to contains an embedded object (and this data member has been removed)(bug #83793).
- Lift ancien restriction (imposed by VC++6) preventing the proper use of unsigned long long by TTreeFormula.
- Proof
- Import new version 0.9.6 of afdsmgrd (patch #40573) with improvements/fixes needed by ALICE.
- Import patch #40017 making the query exit status available for monitoring and in the output list.
- Import patch #40068 fixing an issue affecting GetSessionLogs in PROOF-Lite when invoked from the dialog box.
- Import patch #40138 fixing "workers=n" in PROOF-Lite.
- Import patch #40170 fixing an issue with directory assertion in xproofd.
- Import patch #40186 fixing an issue preventing immediate cleaning of histograms after merging with TH1::Add (histogram were still destroyed at the end of the query). The patch adds also master memory usage in TStatus.
- Import patches #40243 and #40247 fixing a possible segv when leaving proofbench.
- Import patch #40359 fixing an issue showing up in PROOF-Lite when merging via files.
- Rpdutils
- Import patch #40120 fixing a compilation issue on OSX Lion.
- Netx/Xrootd
- RooFit
- Issue NLL error in RooRealSumPdf::expectedEvents() if return value is negative
- Allow non-integer event counts in the extended likelihood term
- Make automatic class import in RooWorkspace work properly with binary ROOT releases
- In RooMinuit allocate MINUIT space for all initially constant parameters
- in RooMinuit add option to control maximum evaluation count for each MINUIT operation
- Streamline code in RooAbsArg to speed up import of complex pdfs in RooWorkspace
- RooStats
- Apply a fix in HypoTestInverter to run a single point
- Fix the streaming of the HypoTestInverterResult which was resulting in some crashes
- Fix a bug in merging the HypoTestInverterResult objects
- Switch on the flag AlwaysReuseNLL for the Likelihood test statistics
- Fix a bug in FrequentistCalculator when computing the MLE for the nuisances when constant parameters are present.
- Fix bug #84542 in HypoTestInverter
- Fix a bug in interpolating limits in HypoTestInverterResult happening when the last point was higher than next-to-last.
- Use the RooMinimizer when computing the profile likelihood test statistics
- HistFactory
- Global observables associated parameters that are set constant in the XML are removed. The Global observable name associated with a HistoSys was nom_XXX and is now nom_alpha_XXX, this could lead to problems in combinations in which one channel had only a HistoSys and another channel had an OverallSys associated to the same systematic name XXX.
- TTreeViewer
- Remove a call to TString::InitialCapacity, who was producing warning messages of the form:
Warning in <TString::InitialCapacity>: obsolete as of v5-30-00 and will be removed from v5-32-00.
- Remove a call to TString::InitialCapacity, who was producing warning messages of the form:
- MathCore
- Apply fix for compiling on Fedora 16 i686 ( bug #84867)
Changes in v5-30-00 (June 28, 2011)
- Build System
- I/O
- Add xz package, which builds liblzma as builtin, so it is always available.
- Extend valgrind suppression file.
- Fix memory leak in test/Event.
- Fix memory leak in the new TFile prefetcher.
- Add explicit fatal error message in TFileMerger and hadd when the size of the output file goes over the maximum limit (TTree::Set/GetMaxTreeSize). See Savannah #83405
- TTree
- Properly recognize a TClonesArray data member even if the requested type was a typedef (to TClonesArray) that is in a namespace (for example edm::Event::ContainerType).(39786)
- Core
- TextInput: improved treatment of read-ahead buffer (r39790)
- TextInput: no unnecessary redraws (r39862)
- TextInput: home / end key on debian (bug #83478, r39863)
- TextInput: fix bug in clear-to-end-of-line visible on Windows ssh-ing to Linux (r39884)
- TextInput: fix possible crash in paren-matching (r39910)
- TextInput: fix infinite loop handling SIGABRT (e.g. .qqqqqqqq) (r39941)
- Xrootd
- Import the stable version 3.0.4
- Proof
- Import patch r39835 fixing open issues with honoring the request for processing a fixed number of events and the correct handling of 'ForceLocal' requests when for local files; also fixes an issue with the handling of 'Stop' in PROOF-Lite.
- Fix coverity warnings in TProofServ and TProofNodes (patch r39878)
- Import patch r39967 introducing the protocol "pod://" to automatically address the entry point of the available PoD installation, and protocol "lite://" for PROOF-Lite sessions (in the place of "lite"; behavior of "" unchanged).
- Fix stress test issue with ICC11 / 64bit.(39890)
Changes in v5-30-00-rc2 (June 15, 2011)
- Build System
- Core
- Fix error when linking statically on OSX.
- On non-Windows, root.exe is now killed when root is killed (r39540).
- TextInput: improved history management (r39537, r39539, r39570, r39711).
- TextInput: reset the terminal to a sane state after even more signals (r39538, r39541)
- TextInput: on Windows, get dedicated handle to CONIN,CONOUT to prevent redirection from stealing it (r39543).
- TextInput: on Windows, redraw the prompt if ROOT moved the cursor (r39604).
- TextInput: proper event loop for full line mode (r39560).
- TextInput: continue reading if ESC was entered, fixes ESC-f etc (r39709).
- TextInput: handle ROOT running in background (r39591).
- TextInput: reset input modifier for each new input, e.g. "Ctrl is pressed"; make it unsigned (r39597, r39703).
- On Windows, don't expand urls like root://
- I/O
- Allow to explicit veto or force the splitting of a class to insure that its custom streamer is always used ((39694) fixing Savannah #83119
- Reduce memory footprint of the TFilePrefetch mechanism.
- Introduce TBuffer::AutoExpand
- Make the memcpy in TBuffer::Expand optional. Avoid this memcpy from TBasket::Reset.
- Improve error handling in MakeProject, (r39692) fixing Savannah #83188
- TTree
- Reduce the memory used by a TTree by sharing the scratch buffer used to hold the compressed data.
- Do no assume that there is a least one '.root' in the filename passed to TChain::Add.(r39588)
- Improve error recover in TTreeCloner in case of missing TTree or unwriteable file (39720) fixing Savannah #83140
- Make sure the TTreeCloner properly carry forward the value of the kDoNotUseBufferMap bit in the branch (Addendum to (38801)
- Proof
- Import patch r39579 avoid a segmentation fault when reading file where the AutoFlush mechanism has been disabled and the TTreeCache is requested nonetheless.
- Import patch r39580 fixing an issue with connections via a SSH tunnel.
- Import patch r39585 fixing an issue preventing the correct handling of a 'Stop' request.
- Graf3d
- Generalize transition-point search in RhoZ projection, fixing a rare infinite loop in projections of TEveStraightLineSet class.
- Add GUI for auto-saving of images in the "Extras" tab of GL-viewer GUI.
- Avoid possible buffer underrun for empty (e.g. '@'-cancelled) commands (r39705).
- THtml
- Adapt to new (now standard) location of the headers of TMVA and the RooFit family (r39713).